MEIO - Summer School - Tabulating and displaying data
Títol del curs | Tabulating and displaying data |
Impartit per | Jenny Freeman (BSc Econ (Statistics), MSc Medical Statistics, PhD, CStat, Senior Lecturer in Medical Statistics, Health Services Research, ScHARR, Sheffield, UK) |
Llengua del curs | Anglès |
Dates i horaris del curs | 14/07/2009 de 9 a 13 i de 15 a 18. 15/07/2009 de 9 a 12. |
Tipus d'activitat i càrrega lectiva | Curs de 10 hores |
Reconeixement acadèmic | 1,5 ECTS com a assignatures optatives per als estudiants del MEIO UPC-UB, com a ALE per als de PRIMER I SEGON CICLE i com crèdits pel DOCTORAT |
Data de matrícula | Del 8 de juny al 9 de juliol de 2009 |
Presentació | Jenny Freeman es la primera autora del libro recién publicado por Wiley sobre representación gráfica de resultados (How to display data, 2008). Course Outline: It has been asserted that „the purpose of a scientific paper is to communicate, and within the paper this applies especially to the presentation of data‟ (Altman & Bland, 1996) and effective data presentation is an essential skill for anybody wishing to display or publish research results. However, good display does not always happen in practice and when done poorly, it can convey a misleading or confusing message. The purpose of this course is to introduce the principles of good design and layout to the presentation of data, as an aid to better understanding. The course is aimed at individuals who as part of their job have to display and interpret medical data, and it is hoped that by the end of the course they will have a greater understanding of the methods available for displaying data and the tools to display data appropriately and clearly, through the use of both graphs and tables. |
Objectius del curs | Aim: To learn about appropriate methods for displaying and summarising data. Objectives: Understand about different types of data Gain knowledge of basic summary statistics Gain knowledge of basic graphical techniques Develop awareness of good practice when presenting data Be aware of Tufte‟s principles for displaying data (Tufte, 1983) Be able to apply some of the techniques learnt |
Descripció del curs | Content of the course: Types of data Summarising data Displaying data Tufte‟s principles for the visual display of quantitative data Common problems/errors in displaying data Limitations of some common packages, and alternatives to these packages Teaching method(s): The course will incorporate lectures and discussion, with several practical sessions. The practical sessions will involve both individual exercises on tabulating and displaying data and small group work critically appraising the tables and graphs in published papers. Participants may bring their own data to work on. Prior knowledge/experience required: None, however, basic numeracy will be assumed. |