MEIO - Summer School - Statistical Methods for Lifetime Data
Títol del curs: Statistical Methods for Lifetime Data
Impartit per: Luís A. Escobar. Department of Experimental Statistics, Louisiana State University.
Llengua del curs: Castellà
Dates i horaris del curs: 9, 10, 11, 14, 15 de juny, de 3 a 7.
Aules FME: 003 / PC2
Tipus d'activitat i càrrega lectiva: Curs de 20 hores
Reconeixement acadèmic: 2,5 crèdits
Data de matrícula: del 10 al 30 de maig 2010
Temari: This is an applied course covering advanced statistical methods for lifetime data analysis; in particular, as they apply to Reliability and Survival analysis studies.
After completing this course, you will be able to:
Pla del curs:Part 1 (6 hours):
Impartit per: Luís A. Escobar. Department of Experimental Statistics, Louisiana State University.
Llengua del curs: Castellà
Dates i horaris del curs: 9, 10, 11, 14, 15 de juny, de 3 a 7.
Aules FME: 003 / PC2
Tipus d'activitat i càrrega lectiva: Curs de 20 hores
Reconeixement acadèmic: 2,5 crèdits
Data de matrícula: del 10 al 30 de maig 2010
Temari: This is an applied course covering advanced statistical methods for lifetime data analysis; in particular, as they apply to Reliability and Survival analysis studies.
After completing this course, you will be able to:
- Recognize and properly deal with different kinds of reliability/survival data and properly interpret important reliability/survival metrics.
- Use nonparametric estimation to make inferences from multiply censored data with minimal assumptions.
- Use probability plots to identify appropriate parametric models and diagnose anomalies in failure-time data.
- Fit simple semi-parametric models including the standard techniques required when using proportional hazard models.
- Fit simple models to life data, and make inferences on important quantities like distribution quantiles, failure probabilities, and hazard functions.
- Use appropriate methods for computing confidence intervals from censored data.
- Identify and analyze data with multiple failure modes.
- Use regression analysis methods for the analysis of nonnormal-censored data that arise in field studies and in controlled life studies.
- Understand the relationship and tradeoffs between traditional failure-time data and degradation data.
- Conduct comparative studies using lifetime data.
Pla del curs:Part 1 (6 hours):
- Appropriate Time Scales for Life Data/Degradation Data.
- Lifetime Metrics: Failure Probability, Quantiles, Hazard.
- Simple Nonparametric Estimation, the Kaplan Meier Estimator.
- Introduction to Software (JMP/R).
- Weibull/Lognormal Distributions.
- Probability Plots, Detecting Multiple Modes of Failure.
- Parametric Modeling with Single Distribution.
- Multiple Failure Modes and Data Analysis.
- Semi-parametric Regression Analysis.
- Fitting the Proportional Hazard Regression Model.
- Failure Time Regression Analysis.
- rinciples of Acceleration Models and Acceleration Factors.
- Regression Life Test Data Analysis--One Variable.
- Regression Life Test Data Analysis--More than One Variable.
- Pitfalls in Accelerated/Regression Test Models.
- Accelerated Repeated Measures Degradation.
- Comparisons.
- Accelerated Destructive Degradation Test Data Analysis.