
MEIO - Summer School - Creating R Packages

Títol del curs: Creating R Packages

Impartit per: Friedrich Leisch. Institut für Statistik. Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität.

Llengua del curs: Anglès

Dates i horaris del curs: 28 de juny a 1 de juliol de 10 a 12:30 h.

Aula FME: PC3

Tipus d'activitat i càrrega lectiva: Curs de 10 hores

Reconeixement acadèmic: 1,5 crèdits

Data de matrícula: Del 31 de maig al 20 de juny 2010

One of the key factors to the success of R has been its package system, which allows the R community to develop state of the art statistical software in a decentralised way. R would not be what it is today without the numerous contributions to software repositories like CRAN or Bioconductor. However, R packages are not only an easy way to share software with the rest of the world, they are also an ideal tool to transparently maintain private collections of functions for personal or workgroup usage, or to distribute data sets to students. In this course we show how to create an R package from a simple collection of R functions and/ or data sets. This includes the structure of an R package, package meta data, name spaces, writing help files, building packages for different computer platforms, automatic checking, and regression tests. Special emphasis will be given to Sweave, a tool for writing dynamic documents with R. Manuals written in the Sweave format can be included in R packages as so called vignettes and are automatically tested by the R CMD check facilities. All ideas presented will be trained by course participants in a series of practical examples.