
MEIO - Summer School - Extensions of the Cox Model for Semiparametric Analysis of Survival Data

Títol del curs: Extensions of the Cox Model for Semiparametric Analysis of Survival Data

Impartit per: Maria Grazia Valsecchi. Prof. of Medical Statistics. Dip. di Medicina Clinica e Prevenzione. University of Milano –Bicocca.

Llengua del curs: Anglès

Dates i horaris del curs: 30 de juny i 1 de juliol de 15-19h, i 2 de juliol de 15-17h.

Aules FME: 004 / PC1

Tipus d'activitat i càrrega lectiva: Curs de 10 hores

Reconeixement acadèmic: 1,5 crèdits

Data de matrícula: Del 31 de maig al 20 de juny

Temari: The course will discuss the properties and limitations of the Cox model and the methods to assess proportional hazards and goodness of fit based on graphical checks, specific tests and different types of residuals. Extensions of the basic Cox model to deal with the presence of time dependent covariates or complex functional forms of the regressors will be discussed. Also, the analysis of data in the presence of competing risks will be introduced and the application of the Cox model (on cause specific hazard) or of the Fine and Gray model (on subdistribution hazard) will be presented. The course will provide the basics of the theory and various examples of application to real data in the field of clinical research.