Títol del curs: Statistical Dynamic Graphics: Data Visualization Workshop with Gapminder
Impartit per: Daniel Lapidus
Llengua del curs: Anglès
Dates i horaris del curs: 4-8 juliol 2011 de 12-14 h.
Lloc: FME, aules 103 i PC3
Tipus d'activitat i càrrega lectiva: Curs de 10 hores
Reconeixement acadèmic: 1,5 crèdits
Data de matrícula: 6-26 de juny de 2011
Presentació: This course provides an introduction to data visualization storytelling through examples and hands-on training. After completing the course, students should be inspired to tell stories with their own data and be able to use a variety of tools to present the data on- and off-line.
Requirements to pass the course: completing the two student assignments.
Day 1: - Presentation of lecturer and Gapminder Foundation
- Examples of data visualization and storytelling
- Presentation of two brief student assignments & course platform
Day 2: - Introduction to tools
- Data formats and preparation
- Hands-on training:
- Overview: Data => Tool => Storytelling
Day 3:- Hands-on training:
- HTML5 / Protovis / D3 / JavaScript project
Day 4:- Hands-on training:
- Flash/Flex/ActionScript project
Day 5:- Storytelling with data
- Presentation of student assignment
- Discussion and evaluation