X Summer School 2016
What is it?
The MESIO UPC-UB Summer School is a specialized training program that increases the supply of both professional and research training in the Interuniversity Master in Statistics and Operations Research (MESIO UPC-UB), the 2nd cycle studies, the Degree in Statistical Science and Techniques, and the PhD in Statistics and Operations Research of the UPC, Statistics of the UB and Economy of the UB.
This academic year 2015-2016 we celebrate the tenth edition of the MESIO Summer School. These courses are open to all members of the FME, UPC, UB, and to the university, scientist and professionals in general.
In this edition 11 activities will be held, including R courses (IV Summe
The courses will be taught from June 13 to July 22, 2016.
The Summer School courses are taught by renowned visiting and UPC and UB teachers. You can consult the profesorate in the previous editions.
All activities will be held in:
Facultat de Matemàtiques i Estadística
C/ Pau Gargallo, 14, 08028 Barcelona
Application and enrolment
- Application: April 18 to 22
To applicate download and complete this application form and send it with a photocopy of your identity card or passport to: acces.mesio.fme@upc.edu
- Enrolment: May 9 to 13
Once you have got the confirmation of admittance, formalize your enrolment by sending the payment slip by e-mail to: acces.mesio.fme@upc.edu.
The courses capacity is 25 students, with decreasing priorities: MESIO UPC-UB students, doctorate students, other FME students, external students, other UPC or UB staff.
The courses with less than 5 students will be cancelled.
- Administration Summer School
(+34) 93 401 58 61
Facultat de Matemàtiques i Estadística
Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
C/ Pau Gargallo, 5
- Jordi Ocaña, Director de la Summer School
(+34) 93 402 15 65
Departament de Genètica, Microbiologia i Estadística (secció d'Estadística)
Universitat de Barcelona
Av. Diagonal, 643
08028 Barcelona