
Package Building and Literate Programming with R

Títol del curs: Package Building and Literate Programming with R

Impartit per: Alexandre Sánchez Pla, prof. titular, Dep. d’Estadística, UB.

Llengua del curs: Castellà.

Dates i horaris del curs: 15 a 17 de juliol, dies 15 i 16 de 9 a 13:30 h, dia 17 de 9 a 11 h.

Lloc: aula PC3

Tipus d'activitat i càrrega lectiva: Curs de 10 hores.

Reconeixement acadèmic: 1,5 ECTS com a assignatura optativa per als estudiants del MEIO UPC-UB, com a assignaturas de lliure  elecció per a estudiants de màster, grau i llicenciatura i com a crèdits de doctorat.



Understand package structure and learn how to create your own package.
Understand what literate programming is and learn at least two ways two do it: Sweave/Latex and markdown/knitr.



  • Building R packages (4 hours)
    • The tools needed to build packages in linux and windows
    • Steps to build a package. Minimum components
    • Creating the documentation
    • Building checking and installing your package
  • Literate programming with R
    • What s literate programming
    • The traditional R approach: Sweave
    • Modern approaches: knitr/markdown/pandoc, org-mode/babel etc




  • Friedrich Leisch. Sweave, part I: Mixing R and Latex. R News, 2(3):28-31, December 2002.
  • Friedrich Leisch. Sweave, part II: Package vignettes. R News, 3(2):21-24, October 2003.
  • Knitr: A General-Purpose Tool for Dynamic Report Generation in R.


Avaluació: Será necesario crear un paquete que incluya una viñeta realizada mediante Sweave o knitr.